Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Market rallies back with a vengence today! As for my picks? Maybe I should start calling them something else. ET up close to 5% and ADM showed tons of weakness by dropping 1.5% with oil gaining and market rallying.

I still think its not smooth sailing for discount brokers until after next week. I don't understand ADM's weakness. Time will tell.

BA rose another 1%. Not alot considering the huge rally but its really overbought right now.

Jim Cramer has been getting criticized alot by his followers for his almost daily flip flopping between being bearish and bullish about the market. He has been flip flopping alot but circumstances change day to day, if he doesn't change his stance to reflect the current situation people would criticize him for not seeing it. Tons of other market analysts make mistakes, they just aren't as closely watched. So I guess... just got to do our own homework!


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